Templo de Debod

Templo de Debod is placed in middle of a beautiful park and is one of the rare work on ancient Egyptian architecture (4th-century-BC) outside Egypt and the only one of its kind in Spain. It was built in honour of the god Amon of Thebes in the Nubian desert. According to the legend the god Isis gave birth to Horus in this very temple.

In 1960, due to the construction of the Great Dam of Aswan and the consequent threat posed to several monuments and archeological sites, UNESCO made an international call to save this rich historical patrimony from the rising waters of Lake Nasser. As a sign of gratitude for the help provided by Spain in saving the temples of Abu Simbel, the Egyptian state donated the Temple of Debod to Spain in 1968. The temple was sent block by block to Madrid in 1970.

The temple was rebuilt in one of the most beautiful parks in Madrid, very close to Plaza de España, the site of a former army barracks destroyed during the Civil War, and opened to the public in 1972.
Picture I Wikipedia

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